You can sign up here and take help for your libraries. If you are a student and got institution email id you will get free registration for 5 years sponsored by Agilent, I guess.
there are some books also that you can by. As far as I know there have been some places at the internet that can give you a suggestion of a mass spectrum but a reliable data base is not free. I have a MS database from NIST
Only one opstion, I think so you perchage the librairy and other wise, there have been some search places at the internet that can give you a suggestion of a mass spectrum but a reliable data base is not free...
for GC-MS EI Fragmentation the GMD libary is the best, which are free available. Have look to partner labs, usually they use NIST. If you match both libaries you are able to identify the most metabolites which are identifiable via EI Fragmentation (usually 80-100 componds). Have look to my papers, the methods are described.
For target analysis you have to buy one or you have to establish it by your own.
Henry Lozano Pereira , I am not the topic starter here, but I might need your help myself. I have a bunch of weird compounds, probably terpenoid, with a base peak at m/z=95, does that ring familiar? Any idea what that might be?
With a single peak I could not tell you. What I can tell you to show me or send me the complete mass spectrum, I will analyze it and tell you my impressions.
On the topic of libraries, it is important to note that there are a lot of libraries available. Many of the libraries are strictly for purchase only. The other point to note is that any library is only going to give you some number of best matches for what is in the library. If the species of interest is not in the library, then you won't get a meaningful answer from the library.