Det var en doktorand från KTH som läste kursen "kvalitativa metoder" med oss som forskade på undervisning om programmering. Minns ej hans namn och jag tror tyvärr han hoppade av kursen. Du kände nog emellertid hans doktorandkollega som var filosofilärare. Hon var med på din 40-års fest. Hon borde veta hans namn./Jens
Det finns ju annars flera tidskrifter inom området:
Computer & Education
Computers & education
Computer science education
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science
Tack Inger och Jens. Jens: har faktiskt redan mejlat filosofilärarens doktorandkollega och frågat om han inte kan skicka sin avhandling. Än så länge isande tystnad...
Kontakta Anna Eckerdal vid Uppsala universitet - medlem i forskargruppen i datavetenskapens didaktik vid UU, hon forskar på ganska precis det du frågar efter.
I am a researcher who is very intensively doing research on programming courses and student misconceptions, learning problems, cultural attitudes, English language learners and all. Moreover, University of Turku - ViLLE Team developed a tool - ViLLE widely used as learning tool for programming courses. There were several research papers published by our team members that analysed the student learning problems in computer programming courses. Check the link given below for more details:
I did some research on this subject. I developed a serious game that teaches Software Inspection. You can check my paper here in research gate. Its title is InspectorX: A Game for Software Inspection Training and Learning .
While researching the educational literature, I found it a bit superficial. Then I began researching on the cognitive science and psychology fields and found a researcher called Jhon Sweller. He developed the cognitive overload theory. Also, he have made numerous experiments over the year that may provide you with very interesting insights about how to create a easy to understand material on complex fields of studies or concepts.
Conference Paper InspectorX: A Game for Software Inspection Training and Learning
Just one more suggestion. As alternative to Scratch, and depending on the ages you are targeting, you might want to take a look into Ren'py:
It's a simple game engine particularly good for visual novel genre in gamming, but not exclusively. I've made and launched a few educational games using this engine (which you can download freely, without ads or paid products, into your android system):
Hi there, you might use a recent paper on software tools and OO patterns for simplifying service-oriented application programming of our group. You can download the paper from
Our department team invented POPBL (Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning) pedagogy in our Teaching & Learning approach for Programming Techniques and numbers of Software Engineering courses (eg: Requirements Engineering, SE Intro & Testing V&V).
You can find our findings here:
Generic Framework Design of Project-Oriented Problem-Based Learning (POPBL) for Software Engineering Courses (IEEE Publication)
Implementation of Project Oriented Problem Based Learning (POPBL) in Introduction to Programming Course (Alborg University Online Proceeding -PBL Accross Culture)
Hi Our viLLE Team research group in Universiy of Turku involved and doing intensive research in conducting programming courses to students at secondary and post secondary and higher education level. For more details check the link given below.