No use of contacting with anyone, preparing chitosan is not a matter of very much effort, just take the prawn outer part/ or crab shell, there are papers which you could download from the internet, follow that method and extract chitosan. I have done that, is very much easy.................try way to spend cost.
methods of extracting chitosan you could get from Chang (1982) paper
Chang C.T. 1982. Studies on the use of crab chitin as a water-insoluble support for the immobilization of pineapple stem bromelain and the preparation of some affinity adsorbents for proteinase. Journal of the Chinese Agriculture and Chemical society 20:45-60.
We comparted effectiveness of 3 commercial chitosan formulations in the control of gray mold of table grapes. You can find details in:
Feliziani E., Smilanick J.L., Margosan D.A., Mansour M.F., Romanazzi G., Gu S., Gohil H., Rubio Ames Z., 2013. Preharvest fungicide, potassium sorbate, or chitosan use on quality and storage decay of table grapes. Plant Disease 97, 307-314 (full txt in on my page)
Awesome. I have followed some of the grape research utilizing chitosan, since we are examining it with some forage grasses in Texas. Very interesting for anyone interested in biocontrol/organic agriculture especially. It appears that the composition of the chitosan affects efficacy, as your results indicate.