The quantification of landscape structure is generally considered prerequisite to the study of pattern-process relationships. In some papers a variety of surface metrics (not landscape metrics) are described, but no software package is mentioned.
To look for something really new in quantification of landscape structure see "Landscape patterns from mathematical morphology on maps with contagion" from K.H. Riitters et al. Landscape Ecol, Vol. 24: 699-709.
Please specify what you mean under "surface metrics". If you do mean extracting variables such as slope, aspect, ruggedness, or neighborhood statistics, the best one remains Esri packages such as ArcView or ArcGIS (depends which is available at your institution).
I already use FRAGSTATS since the 90s, but that software deals with Landscape (patch) Metrics. I suggest that you read the following paper: McGarigal K, S Tagil, and SA Cushman. 2009. Surface metrics: An alternative to patch metrics for the quantification of landscape structure. Landscape Ecology 24:433–450.
To look for something really new in quantification of landscape structure see "Landscape patterns from mathematical morphology on maps with contagion" from K.H. Riitters et al. Landscape Ecol, Vol. 24: 699-709.
You could have a look at geomorphometry - there are numerous articles, but also software and R-scripts out. If you want to start with books, I would recommend these two:
Hugget, R., Cheesman, J. (2002): Topography and the Environment. Prentice Hall.
I suggest you to try the free package SAGA GIS ( also embeddable in QGIS and whose raster data format is direct readable by Fragstats.
In SAGA GIS you can find some potential useful tools for you work although not a complete set of surface metrics for which we are waiting. For example the Terrain Ruggedness Index (TRI) or the Gradient Vectors from Surface in order to perform a gradient analysis useful in studying landscape dynamics along specific axes. (with this end we used this tool in our study that maybe could be useful for you -
I am working on a project using surface metrics to analyze a map of traffic noise. The particular metrics mentioned in McGarigal's paper were calculated using a proprietary surface metrology software called Scanning Probe Image Processor (SPIP). The software is expensive, but straightforward and relatively easy to use. If you have encountered other papers in the literature that use surface metrics to quantify landscape (or soundscape) structure, please pass them along!
Ihab, J., Yves, A., 2010. Contribution of topographically explicit descriptors of landscape measures for application in the vector data environment. Journal of Geographic Information System 2: 163-168. doi:10.4236/jgis.2010.23023
Moniem, H.E.M.A., Holland, J.D., Habitat connectivity for pollinator beetles using surface metrics. Landscape Ecology, doi: 10.1007/s10980-013-9886-9
Rogers, D., Cooper, A., McKenzie, P., McCann, T., 2012. Assessing regional scale habitat area with a three dimensional measure. Ecological Informatics 7: 1-6.
Stupariu, M.-S., Pătru-Stupariu, I., Cuculici, R., 2010. Geometric approaches to computing 3D-landscape metrics. Landscape Online 24: 1-12. doi: 10.3097/LO.201024
Wu, Z., Wei, L., Lv, Z., 2012. Landscape pattern metrics: an empirical study from 2-D to 3-D. Physical Geography 33(4): 383-402. doi: 10.2747/0272-3646.33.4.383
Zhiming, Z., Van Coillie, F., De Wulf, R., De Clercq, E.M., Ou Xiaokun, 2012. Mountain Research and Development 32(2): 213-225.