I didn't come up with such a system that deals with Arabic dialectics. All research focus on classical Arabic language since all articles, news, ads, etc are written in the classical Arabic language. some dialectics word have the same Arabic characters but pronounced differently according to the dialectics. Other words are synonyms that are used more frequent in a country than another country. As a result, any program will just replace the word with its synonym in the destination dialectics.
I hope this helps you. If you have specific research interest I may help you or find some one who can help.
Actually i'm working on linguistic description of arabic dialectal in the south of Algéria. that means collecting corpora , transcription & annotation for all the conversations and speechs to linguistic material especialy enunciation components . ready to use for analysis.
I traied using Transcriber but it does not work at all.
Safwan is right, there is no transcriber for arabic dialects. All the tools are dedicated to MSA. I am also working on Arabic dialects, those of north Algeria. For my experiments, I made the transcription by hand which is a very time consuming operation.