I would do an investigation about spiders in the city of Puebla, Mexico.In this Project I will identify the spiders until the gener. I already look for it but I didn´t find it. Someone can help me with this?
Hay varios especialistas. Una de elas se encuentra en el CIBNOR de Baja California Sur. Otro se encuentra enECOSUR de Chiapas y otro más en la Facultad de Ciencias.
Yes, first do a research on the Mexican experts, Dr. Carlos Solis would be your best start point, and also located which local universities have Spider reference collections for comparison. When you collect, make sure you have enough to send to your local University as voucher. The book "Common Spiders of North America" by Richard A. Bradley and illustrated by Steve Buchanan (2013, University of California Press) is a good reference.
Buenos días Jorge Llorente, sabrá como se llaman esas personas que me menciono?, no encuentro los nombres y formas de contactar de estas personas. Me podría proporcionar los nombres o alguna forma de contactarlos si es que sabe?
See: Maria Luisa Jimenez y Jorge Llinas Gutierrez, Laboratorio de Aracnologia y Entomologia, CIBNOR, Apdo postal 128, La Paz, BCS 2300, [email protected]
There is no any Mexican field guide for spiders. I think the best you can do is using the Ubick's book: "spiders of Norh America. An identification manual". It's useful for the most part of Mexican spiders. North American spider field guides are not really useful in Mexico (at least not for a professional work) because of the high endemicity rate, the variety of ecosystems and the size of most spiders. The best you can do is systematically collect and identify organisms at the lab. If you need to identify spiders at generic level, you should be able to dissect mature specimens.
Dr. Carlos Solis, Dr. Maria Luisa Jiménez and Jorge Llinas are all great spider specialists in Mexico. I reccomend you to contact Dr. Guillermo Ibarra Núñez from ECOSUR Tapachula (you can find him in ResearchGate), he's another renowned expert in tropical spiders. Also, there are other several young researchers: Alexandro Valdez Mondragón (CNAN-UNAM) is an expert in Pholcidae, Fernando Álvarez Padilla (FC-UNAM)Cesar Barrón (CNAN-UNAM) is focused in Theridiidae, Marco Desales (UAM) is studying desert spiders, Julieta Maya Morales (CIBNOR, she's in RG, too) is an expert in Mexican Agelenidae, Daniela Candia & Jorge Mendoza (both at CNAN-UNAM) are studying Theraphosidae (and I'm sure I'm forgetting a lot more). As far as I know, ECOSUR (El Colegio de la Frontera Sur), UV (Universidad Veracruzana) & INECOL are other institutions where people is begining to study spider diversity and behavior.
Also, if you are interested, I can offer you my help with the identification of Ctenidae, Lycosidae, Corinnidae, Zorocratidae and other wandering spider taxa