Does anyone have experience with (standard) frameworks for evaluation of effectiveness of nature conservation projects versus multiple (ecologic, social) goals?
I used a combination of approaches namely IUCN/WCPA Rapid Assessment and Prioritization of Protected Areas Management (RAPPAM) Methodology (Ervin, 2003); participatory approach; and institutional document search, to assess the management effectiveness of some selected protected areas in Ghana. My experience was that the adoption of exclusionary approach in nature conservation projects may be good for the ecological integrity of the system but it comes with a lot of challenges including conflicts situation.
Please see the article:
Ayivor, J. S., Gordon, C., and Ntiamoa-Baidu, Y., Protected area management and livelihood conflicts in Ghana: A case study of Digya National Park. Parks Vol. 19.1, pp 37-50. Perhaps that will help.
Hi there, good question, as evaluation of conservation projects is not a straightforward subject! A project can be evaluated relatively simply based on the goal(s) it started with, although that's not straightforward if it had multiple social and environmental aims (these often do not covary - as shown by . And/or it can be evaluated according to external standards of how projects should be designed, and what they should achieve. (i.e. process and outcome) It may help to consider whose views count or are most important to you - the people affected by the project, the funders... other external actors like conservation professionals...?
There's lots of interesting and relevant publications out there. I suggest provides some interesting thoughts and is a good starting point. If the projects to be evaluated are participatory, this paper provides some interesting thoughts about if/how to include the perspectives of these stakeholders It can get complicated! But whatever method and critieria you choose, just be transparent about what criteria you chose, and why.
Good luck - I'll be interested to know what choices you make!
Article How national context, project design, and local community ch...
thanks for that, indeed the dilemma we were struggling with: project goals or 'external' goals. I'll dive into it, and hope to share some results maybe next year ;-). In fact, we'll look at ecosystem service based project specifically. kind regards, Sander