Dear colleagues,

I am having some problems with node dating using substitution rates in MrBayes 3.2.6, even following the example in the program manual.

According to the manual I need to:

1.     Set a normal distribution as the prior for the clock rate: e.g. using 0.02 as the mean and 0.005 as the standard deviation assuming the rate is approximately 0.01 ± 0.005 substitutions per site per million years:

      MrBayes > prset clockratepr = normal(0.01,0.005)

 2.    Modify the tree age prior to an exponential distribution with the rate 0.01:  

       MrBayes > prset treeagepr = exponential(0.01)

 When I run the analysis, the program does not recognize the argument “exponential” to modify the age prior:

      No valid match for argument “exponential”

      Invalid Treeagepr argument

      Error when setting parameter “Treeagepr”

I have checked the "Command Reference for MrBayes ver. 3.2.6" and, in fact, “exponential” does not appears as a valid argument for Treeage parameter, so I think it is an error in the manual but I cannot find a way to solve it. .

Does anyone have had such situation before?

Any solution to solve the problem?

Many thanks,


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