I recently found a free program for XRD data analasys called QualX, that was made on Bari Institute of crystalography and I want to know if anyone has any experience with it.
QualX is a well-known and widely used software for phase identification and quantitative analysis of XRD data. It is developed by the Institute of Crystallography - CNR in Italy and is available for free download. The software has a user-friendly interface and supports several data formats. It also allows users to customize various parameters and settings for data analysis.
It can be used for phase identification, peak profile analysis, and quantification of crystalline materials.
Here are the basic steps to use QualX for phase identification:
Open the software and create a new project.
Import your XRD data file in one of the supported formats (e.g. .txt, .xy, .ras).
Calibrate the XRD instrument by setting the parameters such as radiation type, wavelength, and detector distance.
Choose the peak search method and set the search parameters such as angle range, step size, and peak intensity threshold.
Identify the phases present in the sample by comparing the peak positions and intensities with those of known reference materials in the database. You can either use the software's built-in database or create your own custom database.
Refine the results by adjusting the peak positions and intensities, if necessary.
Generate a report that summarizes the identified phases, their relative abundance, and other relevant information.
It is important to note that the accuracy of the phase identification results depends on the quality of the XRD data, the peak search method used, and the completeness of the reference database. Therefore, it is recommended to use high-quality XRD data and to update the reference database regularly.