We had two cases in our unit, I am going to let you know about our experience in a case report paper. Also if anyone has cases we could write a series of cases in multi-experience paper?
Symptomatology leading to diagnosis & Retrograde Cystoureterogram exam would make it somehow similar to PUV, not until morphologic view either by urethro-cystoscopy or any other dynamiic exams can permit the confirmation.
i had posted a swelling in fossa navicularis previously. But personally not seen any urethral polyps. Let me know about your experience and how you managed. Tks
in my exprience i have one case of posterior urethral polyps in a 7 years old boy with mild obstructive symptoms and microscopic hematuria that in MRI and cysroscopy he has a typical polyp .i resected it by TUR . after 5 year followup he has no symptom or problem. I have reported it in Armaghan danesh Journal.
I have had 2 patients, one was a 5 weeks old presenting with UTI, the other 7 year old with lesion seen on follow up imaging after previous Wilm's tumour. Both resected transurethrally. In the second case the polyp was too big to remove via urethra (size of my index finger nail) so removed via a 5mm laparoscopic port placed suprapubically. Both polyps arising from region of the veru.
How Dr Mohamed it ll be shown as a filling defect in posterior urethra but syringocele should be differentiated from anterior urethral valve or urethral diverticulae.
Syringocel of cowpers has 4 subtypes simple, perforated, imperforated and ruptured types, The perforated looks like diverticulum and the imperforated bulges inside the urethra causing obstruction and may look as polyp
We had a neonate with High creatinine level which responded to catheterization. The Mcug showed no reflux. Cystoscopy showed posterior urethral polyp between the bladder neck and verumontanum with PU Valves. We will be publicizing it shortly.