These are some papers written around this subject. Most are specific to specific fields.
Dr Janko Kersnik is a ResearchGate member:
Kersnik, J., & Ropret, T. (2002). An evaluation of patient satisfaction amongst family practice patients with diverse ethnic backgrounds. Swiss medical weekly, 132(9/10), 121-124.
Kersnik, J. (2000). An evaluation of patient satisfaction with family practice care in Slovenia. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 12(2), 143-147.
This paper is from 1995 and describes quite a long survey:
Grogan, S., Conner, M., Willits, D., & Norman, P. (1995). Development of a questionnaire to measure patients' satisfaction with general practitioners' services. British Journal of General Practice, 45(399), 525-529.
Mahomed, N., Gandhi, R., Daltroy, L., & Katz, J. N. (2011). The self-administered patient satisfaction scale for primary hip and knee arthroplasty. Arthritis, 2011.
Paddock, L. E., Veloski, J., Chatterton, M. L., Gevirtz, F. O., & Nash, D. B. (2000). Development and validation of a questionnaire to evaluate patient satisfaction with diabetes disease management. Diabetes Care, 23(7), 951-956.
This paper describes the formulation of a 7 pt Likert scale for patient satisfaction:
Hojat, M., Louis, D. Z., Maxwell, K., Markham, F. W., Wender, R. C., & Gonnella, J. S. (2011). A brief instrument to measure patients' overall satisfaction with primary care physicians. Family Medicine-Kansas City, 43(6), 412-417.