Hello, I have propagated a plasmid form a single colony (size around 15 kb) using small scale culture (2 ml of TB with selected Antibiotic) and purified it using Mini-prep kits ( FastGene Plasmid Mini kit) and verified it using Restriction Enzymes ( HpaI and MluI ), It gave a correct cutting pattern as seen in the Gel electrophoresis picture. However, when I propagate it using large scale culture (100 ml of TB with Selected Antibiotic) and extract the plasmid using Midi-prep Kits (Macherey Nagel), I could not obtain the correct cutting pattern, instead I only see a smear (the 2nd picture).

I tried several times to change the culture conditions ( e.g increasing the A.B conc in the growth medium, or decreasing the shaking speed, or optimizing the incubation hrs. (12~16 hr). However, I also obtain the same result.

Any tips to overcome this problem and obtain the correct plasmid would be much appreciated.

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