I found several papers describing how to make agar or agarose embedded bacteria (namely P.aeruginosa strains), but I would like to see a movie to have a better idea.
There are papers using sepharose beads coated with PPD from Mycobacterium bovis for chronic lung infection models in mice, that may give you a place to start. The process we use is coupling the bacterial protein to these sepharose beads. I am not aware of any movies.
Chensue et al. 2007 should give you a starting place. I am originally from the Chensue lab and have done bead coupling, so if you have specific questions about how to perform the coupling I can answer them. Good luck!
Hi Antonio, contact Dr Alessadra Bragonzi at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan. Her group makes agar beads routinely and I think she just prepared a video for JOVE
Hello! I am going to establish an infection model in rats using the bead-embedding technique with multiple pathogens. Does anybody know if this method can be applied to different species or strains? Most of the studies describe it with P. aeruginosa. Another point would be the standardization of bead size, and thus the infection dose.