Hello! I'm looking for good resolution DEM of Tajikistan. Now I have SRTM (30x30m) and ALOS AW3D30 (30x30m). Does anybody know about other free DEMs for this country in better resolution (than 30x30m)?
Based on my experiences, the best free and public domain sources for DEM are SRTM-30m and ALOS-30m. In addition, ALOS-30m is the best one for hydraulic modeling or hydrological issues.. Other DEM sources like LiDAR is not available for all parts of the world and high resolution topographic datasets such as ground topographic maps requires local or national permission.. In other words, accessing to high resolution and free datasets in developing countries is almost impossible and you should survey ground mapping for providing high quality of maps..
More important than above statements is the objective of your study.. For large scale projects ALOS-30m is the best one and for local or small scale regions is can be used with more causessly. However, as I told I think the ALOS-30m is the best free DEM source for river and hydraulic modeling.
The 12.5m data from UAF is SRTM resampled from 30m to 12.5m. You can do it yourself in any GIS.
Before you commit to ASTER GDEM or ALOS AW3D30, I suggest you do a raster difference of them with SRTM and check for large errors. I found that both ASTER GDEM and ALOS AW3D30 have serious error in some areas (in other areas ALOS is way better than ASTER). More details in this preprint: Article Evaluation of TanDEM-X DEMs on selected Brazilian sites: com...