I usually do this with "fresh" SI, but would need to preserve them this time for a few weeks. Is Formalin a good solution or does this decrease detection rates? Would freezing be better? Thanks for your replies!
Freezing worked just fine for our research. In our case, the animals (mice) were used for genetic research in another city but were transported frozen to us and kept in a freezer until we were ready to work on them. After thawing them we used a similar procedure to the one Mr. Justine described in his paper above, and Heligmosomoides worms in particular were easy to notice and extract when the contents of the intestinal tract were viewed under a stereo microscope.
If you want to do pathology and histology then preservation in 10% buffered formalin following Humason's Animal Tissue Techniques. If you want to do necropsies then freezing is best for future identification of parasites. Fresh necropsies are always preferred.
Fresh samples are always better than frozen ones for later necropsy, histology and molecular analysis. Samples subjected to many freeze-thawing sessions are worse for that purpose.