Ferromagnetic ordering breaks the time-reversal invariance irrespective of nature and type of ferromagnetic ordering. Does anti-ferromagnetic ordering also breaks the time-reversal invariance irrespective of nature and type or one can observed breaking of time-reversal symmetries in some AFM state (Like Neel State) and its preservation on other states?
In AFM state, is staggered magnetization only responsible for time revers symmetry breaking or any other intrinsic effect can also lead to time revers symmetry breaking?
In the ferromagnetic state, where the magnetic moments have spontaneously chosen to point in one particular direction, time reversal effect inverts the magnetization, so it would have a microscopically-observable effect. We thus say that ferromagnetism breaks time-reversal symmetry. What about AFM (M =0), is time-reversal symmetry broken in all case just because of change of sign of their staggered magnetization due to time reversal effect or time-revers symmetry breaking will depend upon type and nature of AFM state.