when i have added polypyrrole into epoxy resin, it increased the elongation at break. I think the reason behind this behavior is the brittleness decrement of epoxy. Please help by discussing on this topic.
Epoxy resign contains various functionality, such as terminal-epoxy, hydroxy, ethereal oxygen etc. which may participate to form new hydrogen bonding with the hydrogens of pyrrole moieties in polypyrrole. Therefore, the physicochemical property of the new blend system was improved.
The polypyrrole may indeed be acting as a plasticizer for the epoxy resin. It appears to behave this way with PMMA, reducing its Tg from 105C to 85C with a level of 6-8% in the PMMA. See http://www.academicjournals.org/article/article1380626687_Achour%20et%20al.pdf
thank you sir @ Solimeno, but i have read somewhere that addition of polypyrrole enhance the brittleness of the materials. But i found higher elongation at break for epoxy when 5 and 10 wt% PPy was added and i also thought that its the plasticization effect of PPy.