Jamil Kooli I think that the fundamental thing in the universe is the medium of space. Light propagates as a wave in the medium of space and electrons protons and neutrons are looped waves in the medium of space. Therefore all fundamental constants are properties of the medium of space.
Data Prerecording of Conference Presentation on the Unification of Physics
The so called cosmological constant in the Einstein equations of General Relativity is zero.
This can be understood from a better explanation of dark energy:
Data Prerecording of Conference Presentation on Dark Matter and Dark Energy
Richard Lewis In computational terms, in unified physics, for example dimensionless constants of Planck and of universal gravity must inevitably be related to dimensionless constant of speed of light directly, or either indirectly via other dimensionless cosmological constants. And the same goes for these other dimensionless cosmological constants because they too must be relationally related to the dimensionless constant of the speed of light. Imagine an architect he uses a unit of measurement for example the meter then all the measurements of a construction must be as a function of the meter, then it is exactly the same in the universe going from the infinitely small to the infinitely large since the three constants I mentioned can be present in quantum as well as cosmological calculations. The physical calculations of the universe in a unified physics should relate to the dimensionless constant of speed of light directly or indirectly.
Jamil Kooli Yes. The speed of light is the speed of a wave in a medium and whatever unis you chose it will be a distance per unit time. However, the speed of light is approximately constant because the tension in the fabric of the medium of space is approximately constant. Finding a measure of the tension in the fabric of space is more difficult but it does take you to a more fundamental level seeking a property of space itself.
Preston Guynn My papers mentioned on RG describe new constants in physics related to the quantum scale. This is only the beginning toward the discovery of cosmological constants that is missing.
First of all, we must eliminate standard modeling of atom, then put all the mechanical perception on aside, and finally completely remove all one dimension static mathematical equation from past that does not change and does not react to Temperature/pressure, then our cosmology would be united or unify.
These steps are main thing, but our science is in deep problems, that follow five centuries science.
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Javad Fardaei I try to unify physics through its constants. But I believe that the constants of current physics are not complete notably the natural constants. My research consists of trying to identify the missing constants. In my theory to unify physics all cosmological constants are all a function of a unit of measurement which is none other than the dimensionless constant of speed of light in vacuum. Remember the new definition of the meter was related to the speed of light in vacuum at the end of the last century.The first step of my work consists to link the cosmological constants to this measurement unit (dimensionless speed of light). The second step consists to link all the physical constants to these cosmological constants. But there are a lot of difficulties. A lot of equations of constants of the current physics relate to the constant Pi and we can not link Pi to the dimensionless constant of speed of light. Therefore I should look for more adequate equations for the constants which relate not to Pi. My method gives results. In my too papers on RG I described an absolute equation for hydrogen radius not related to Pi and adopted that the muonic radii are new physical constants and find an equation and a value for the neutron radius. In my theory for a unified physics Pi is only used as a constant of the geometry of the circle.
Jamil Kooli To give you another example of how all physical constants are determined by the medium of space consider the Planck constant h. Waves in the medium of space travel at speed c and have energy given by E=hf where f is the frequency of the wave. This relationship between energy and frequency is a measure of the elasticity of the medium. So h depends on a property of the medium of space.
Jamil Kooli Another constant that can be related back to the medium of space is the unit of electric charge. This requires an understanding of the actual cause of electric charge which is due to the local compression of the medium of space.
Conference Paper THE UNIFICATION OF PHYSICS (Conference Paper)
This excess of local compression or expansion of space associated with the electron or proton is caused by changes in the rate of passage of time within each wavelength of the looped wave.
I believe that the Cosmological constants don't change but the space and time do change. The problem with most Cosmological computations are that there are usually missing relativistic terms that are not included or that they should be analyzed in the Imaginary domain such as Einstein showed with his relativistic Mass equation of the Electron. Lorentz Time Dilation Equation should also be used in some instances. A example of all this is the Hubble Constant. He should be using relativistic velocities in the imaginary domain rather than Doppler effect for this admittedly inaccurate constant for measuring how fast stars and galaxies travel through space.
You say, "I believe that Cosmological constants don't change but the space and time do change". Yes, I totally agree with you, so do you think the calculation of the length of an average solar day should be based on these absolute cosmological constants? That is, the absolute calculation of a solar day must take into account an expanding universe. This therefore includes the Hubble constant in the calculations. And perhaps one or more cosmological constants.
The solar day calculation is made relative to the Earth's variable angular velocity around the Sun. The Hubble Constant is used in calculation of stars moving through the Universe away from the Earth and is not relevant to the Earth's average Solar day.
Are you saying that there are no direct links between the Hubble constant and perhaps other cosmological constants all involved in the calculations of the length of a solar day? I mean you only use the geometry of the circle to determine the average length of a day?
The only cosmological constant related to the computation of the solar day that I can think of would be the Gravitational Constant G in the calculation. The Hubble constant is not needed for this computation.
Jay Manotas, could you provide me a source where I can find the most accurate values for different solar years and especially the sidereal year? Do you have any idea what could be the average of the year length of Sirius?
Jamil Kooli, I'm not sure what you mean by 'exclusively'. Perhaps you mean that cosmological constants are the foundational constants from which all other constants flow. If so, I don't think so.
I believe all fundamental constants, cosmological or otherwise, originate from the structure of the electron. This is a non-standard belief, but I find it compelling.
Yes I "mean that cosmological constants are the fundamental constants from which all other constants flow." Newton's constant is one of these cosmological constants. But it cannot be ruled out that there could be special cases. But that's my opinion. I think it's good to see things from another angle. Personally I believe that the presence of the Pi constant in many constants of physics does not allow these possible cosmological constants behind them to emerge. You know that in current physics there is not an exhaustive list of cosmological constants nor an exhaustive list of other constants the "list" are open to any addition but it is rarer nowadays.
No number can describe three dimension universe phenomenon, thus, all the constant of our past cannot be real, Just Newtonian gravity on earth is absolutely not working with newtonian constant of 9.81, because earth's gravity is working with Pressure, Temperature, and mass of object. I.e. for same reason water evaporated goes up, and comes down.
I think there is a set of constants which relate observations to other observations. To be effective, they should relate all size scales (cosmological to sub-quantum). Currently, our observations have uncertainties which implies the choice of ``constants'' of proportionality may not be universal. Until we have a single model covering the cosmological and quantum scales, our choice of constants is flawed.
Javad Fardei In terms of calculation g=9.6.. and G=6.674. should be closely related but we do not currently know what their absolute values are. Do you know in exact physics everything must be perfect. From where we are in a mathematical universe with absolute constants, I hope little by little that people will discover them.
John Hodge I began to discover the connection between constants while working in my papers on the results of experiments on muons, I came to the conclusion that muonic protons are new constants of physics. For me this is a good thing because it allowed me to describe a new equation of the radius of hydrogen that does not bind to the constant Pi and the absence of Pi in the constants will facilitate the discovery of other cosmological constants.
John Jupe I can tell you that if we focus on the subject, we will find solutions, but as in everyday life, the things we are looking for may be in front of us or right next to us but we do not notice it.
I have in my second book (Born:Aniverse II, available in my profile) shown that the gravitational force may detemine the other forces through a special quantum mechanical process.
The result is that the couplings of the forces are detemined. Intresting to note is that if the gravitational constant changes, the other coupling will also change.
Professor for my part, I am looking for the cosmological constants not yet identified until today and what are their origins. I am convinced that the constants of physics depend exclusively on cosmological constants. If experimentation proves this then I think it will help people better understand how the universe was formed. In one of my two papers mentioned on RG, I gave an equation for an absolute hydrogen radius that does not depend on the constant Pi. For me the constant Pi in physics should not play any other role than its main role in the geometry of the circle. The use of Pi in the equations of current physics can hide cosmological constants that we do not yet know and makes the explanation of certain things or phenomena more difficult.
I believe that Planck unities, general relativity, restreint relativity theory are all three in link with cosmological constants certain of them are not known yet. People do not need other theories to comprehend physics from the infitly small to the infinitly big physics.
I'm convinced that if people establish an equation for Planck's constant h, inevitably they will find that it derives from cosmological constants and reduced h derives from cosmological constants also. But h should be irrational and reduced h should be rational.