في بلدي وبعد سقوط النظام اصبحت المدارس الخاصة هي السمة الغالبة في التعليم واغلب المواطنين اولادهم اليوم في مدارس خاصة لضمان الأمان اما فيما يتعلق بتأييد تشكيل مدارس خاصة فيتم تحديد ذلك حسب كل بلد ونفوسه
In my country, after the fall of the regime, private schools became the predominant feature of education, and most of the citizens of their children today in private schools to ensure security, either in support of the formation of private schools is determined by each country and its souls
Yes i do support of opening of New Private and Government Schools. As there is increase in illiteracy among Third world countries and Developing countries. Regards
Private schools are in abundance in our country, the aims of these schools, mostly, are to make money with glittering slogans; cause of abundance of these schools, is almost, terrible condition of public educational institutions. So, I am not in favor of private schools but what can be done, when corporate mentality and corruption is prevalent.
It is a mistake to open private schools if the teacher is teaching the students in schools, as the parents will bear large burdens of expenses and others.
The expansion in establishing the private schools without supervision and Government Control accompanied by neglecting of public schools leads to the failure of education.
I hope to increase the building of public schools developed to accommodate the numbers of students and tighten the educational control to upgrade to the scientific level.
د.ساجده...انا اعتقد ان حل مشكلة المدارس والبطالة بصورة عامة ..هو بفتح معاهد انتاجية صناعية كثيرة وربطها بمعامل انتاجية ضخمة ..خاصة وان العراق يستورد جميع ما يحتاجه وعلى شتى الاصعدة ..فيتوجب على الحكومة ..انشاء معامل انتاجية ضخمة لشتى السلع ..ومعها معاهد تخصصية لرفد تلك المؤسسات بالكوادر العاملة ..عنده لا يكون هناك حاجة الى الجامعات الاهلية كما هي الان وتستطيع الحكومة السيطرة على الاعداد الكبيرة للطلاب في مراحل الابتدائية والثانوية بتوجيه الموارد الفائضة الى موضوع انشاء مدارس اضافية
I don't support private school , it is not the solution of the pupils increased .the government should build new and large schools to solve this problem.