Sometimes the scope of a research project requires a team, at the outset. To work in a team only motivated by the idea that to have a team sounds better in the public (for instance: this allows to shuffle off obvious faults to others) is a somewhat strange idea in my view as researcher.
Sometimes the scope of a research project requires a team, at the outset. To work in a team only motivated by the idea that to have a team sounds better in the public (for instance: this allows to shuffle off obvious faults to others) is a somewhat strange idea in my view as researcher.
إن ثمرة البحث العلمي تكون نتائجها ومردوداتها اكثر فاعلية وتطبيقاً بالعمل الجماعي للباحثين، ولكن بحسب الظروف والآليات المتبعة في النشر العلمي قد يتجه الباحث الى العمل الفردي في بحثه
If there are no conditions and limitations in giving the ratings on the paper work and search at that time become scientific search with other researchers is best.
A researcher is supposed to work individually and collectively. Therefore, individual projects must be pursued as well as collaborative studies with other researchers especially on large projects.
For me research is a team work with different responsibilities. Small task can be handled in individual capacity. But complicated work, especially when field and laboratory works are involved, I would prefer a strong cooperative team.
I think working with a team improve the quality of work if the team members contribute towards the desired end. A combination of ideas from different people is likely to perfectify things. Peers can identify errors made by others and correct them. Collaboration is the best way to work.
However there are circumstances where you need something on your own.
So more research through collaboration and less research work individually.
I like to work as a team If I benefit from sharing challenges and ideas. As you know each person has a limited set of skills and a finite knowledge base.
Dear all, I strongly believe on the individual research work since it shows and allow any tallented person to see the fruit of his work and to develop his knowledge.
Sometimes (and maily in the third Word) some lasy 'scientists' infiltrate in a research group and putting their names just to satisfy the authorities by their presence, and in the worst situation they even oblige young researchers (mainly PhD students) to put their names and the names of their virtual labs in their publications by force otherwise they will be the subject of an unfaired punishment measures. Regards
هذا يعتمد على الباحثين فأذا كان هناك فريق يحمل افكار متطورة ونشط ودقيق وغير متكاسل وهدفه الوصول للاصالة لا للاغراض المادية فأفضل العمل معهم، أما اذا لم يتوفر هؤلاء الاشخاص فالعمل الفردي افضل حتى وان كان مكلف ماديا ومتعب
میں گروپ میں کام پسند کرونگا۔ اس سے بوریت بھی نہیں ھوتی اور کام وقت پر مکمل ھو جاتاھے۔ ساتھ ساتھ ایک دوسرے سے سیکھا بھی جاتا ھے۔ لیکن ایک بات ھے کہ گروپ چھوٹا ھو۔ بس یہی دو سے چار تک۔ اسطرح اگر ایک بندہ چھٹی پر ھو تو بھی کام جاری رھے گا۔
Sometimes it requires me to do a single research, especially for the purposes of scientific promotion. But it is good to join some colleagues in other research projects for scientific benefit uncles.