I am doing a research about time horizon and life satisfaction, but unfortunately I can not find a person who work specially in this field. Is there any one can help me.
See some of my previous works in the subject. Hope this can help. Yuval
Palgi, Y., & Shmotkin, D. (2010). The predicament of time near the end of life: Time perspective trajectories of life satisfaction among the old-old. Aging and Mental Health, 14, 577-586.
Shrira, A., Palgi, Y., Ben-Ezra, M., Spalter, T., Kavé, G., & Shmotkin, D. (2011). For better and for worse: The relationship between future expectations and functioning in the second half of life. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 66, 195–203.
Palgi, Y., Shrira, A., Ben-Ezra, M., Spalter, T., Kavé, G., & Shmotkin, D. (2014). Age-related and death-related differences in emotional complexity. Psychology and Aging, 29, 284-296.
Shrira, A., & Palgi, Y. (2014). Future expectations and functioning in later life. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp. 2386-2389). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.