Research project RQ:
What factors do emergency ambulance crews report as contributing to errors in the administration of adrenaline to adults in life-threatening asthma and anaphylaxis?
I'm thinking national, prospective, qualitative, getting participants from Datix reports - will ask trusts to send details of my study inc PIS to people reporting errors and involved with it. I plan to phone them and conduct a phone interview. I imagine the uptake rate will be very low though. The Ambulance Pharmacists Network have said they will support me and I imagine that trusts will be supportive too.
What ambulance trusts do with what they find out about meds errors - how they collate information and share between trusts, how this currently and might lead to a change in practice - might also compare to somewhere that has a good culture of change from meds errors - maybe a hospital.
Any advice/thoughts/comments/funding recommendations gratefully received - hopefully I have the format right for this sort of forum - first time I've used it!
Thanks, Sam