I want to follow the flow path of fluid through branches in trees and I have been perfusing long branches (1-meter) of maple trees and it seems to be taking a much longer time than expected for the safranin dye to move through the branch system. I am using a low pressure gradient 100 mbar m-1 so that the dye does not move into the xylem parenchyma tissue. The branches that I am using have about six years of growth with all the current-year xylem excised on the downstream end, and the upstream end is attached to my dye perfusing system. The Safranin is 0.1% in 50% ethanol solution. After 30 mins, I only get dye moving about 15 -20 cm up the branch, so I was wondering if the alcohol solution was causing a problem etc. Any help from someone with experience in staining xylem through long branches would be most appreciated!

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