Many researchers are experiencing moments of joy after achieving success in Research.Feelings of those memorable moments are requested from learned Researchers to share with others.Valuable Input may encourage future researchers.
As I see it, researchers' main goal is to look for the unknown. So, it is more that natural that they experience moments of joy after achieving success in their researches, for example, when they find that one of their hypotheses is corrobatated by data, and hence, was not falsified. This is indeed a happy life event. "Nothing in the world is more exciting than a moment of sudden discovery or invention'? It depends upon individuals. I know of people who experience moments of intense joy when, for example, they maried their beloved woman, just to cite other life event. From my own experience, I must confess that I expereince moments of joy after achievement success in the publication of a paper that advances previous knowledge in my area of expertise. I think that this is the case of other researchers.
Getting each paper published since the 1980's have been momentous occasions for me to be celebrate. It is really a feeling that is hard to describe – relief, satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. Serendipitous discovery with the invention of a new soldering flux in 1989 was another fascinating moment.
اجد نفسي في نشوة وراحة وسعادة وتأكيد الذات عندما انجز وانشر ورقة بحثية او مقالة او مؤلف يستفاد منه الافرد الاخرين , واضعا بصمتي في حياة الاخرين نحو الخير والتقدم والازدهار