Everyone knows that water has three phases: vapor, liquid and ice. We observe matter also in three phases: the prematter, the electromagnetic field and matter.

The Kaluza-Klein theory revealed the presence of additional folded vortex dimensions in nature. These dimensions are present at every point in the space described by our usual extended dimensions. Superstring theory claims that there are 6 additional dimensions in the world (branes) that show the form of motion of matter at a deeper level.

We can roll a two-dimensional surface into closed structures: either the surface of a sphere or the surface of a torus. Their sizes can be extremely small. However, they differ significantly in their topology.

Look at figure, please. We assume that the form of the Pre-matter quanta is a sphere (1). The feature of these spherical quanta is that they can only reduce or only magnify their radius. The shape of the torus (Helmholtz ring vortices) are matter quanta at the level of the electromagnetic field (2). We call them gravitons. At each point of the space we observe, a closed field flow rotates around a circle of small radius (toroidal rotation) and simultaneously rotates around the axis of the torus (ring rotation). Klein estimated the dimensions of the vortex in ~ 10-32 m.

Small-scale stable graviton vortices formed neutrinos and antineutrinos. It is the only truly elementary particles of matter (3). Large-scale toroidal vortices are three-dimensional fragments of the “halo” — the locations of future galaxies. Today, we call the totality of large-scale relativistic vortexes of gravitons (halo of galaxies) “Dark matter” [4].

Read more in the books "Gravitation" and "Electromagnetic Gravity" in my profile.

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