I'm interested in literature, studies and psycho-social experiments on the relation between hand-shaking and trust, with an eye onto how social distancing might affect trust. Thank you for your attention
A great question. In my opinion, however, the most important challenge at the moment are the face masks, which everyone is obliged to wear. Can we trust each other without seeing each other's faces?
Relative to the touch:
According to this article, physical touch is not necessary to develop trust.
Trust without touch: jumpstarting long-distance trust with initial social activities. DOI: 10.1145/503376.503402
In turn, this experiment shows how touch in the context of trust is more important for introverts.
Effects of mediated social touch on affective experiences and trust. doi: 10.7717/peerj.1297
Such a research project will benefit greatly from literature on non-verbal communication and kinesics. Facial expressions, eye and eyebrow movements ( gaze, blinking, pupil size, etc), gestures and body language are analyzed and interpreted with regard to ( in your case) trust, feelings of security, fear, etc. Best Wishes
I think that it is a matter of prevention and apprehension of possible infection. As for other matters, I do not think that the same applies to them. It has nothing to do with shaking hands with trusting others in the field of work or relying on them in life matters
Hand-shakes of several nature are a part of protocol where true sentiments are shielded. The real sentiment is invariably disguised. So it would be wrong to infer that hand shakes always indicate faith and trust in each other. Today ofcourse even if we trust each other we can't trust the dubious virus that is lurking everywhere.
Shaking hands, smiling, and making eye contact have been a part of our greetings to each other for so long that it is difficult to separate that function from our personal interactions. While this ritual may not indicate faith or trust in each other, it does establish a relationship that may lead to those qualities. It is an entry into the the personal space of another human that has the potential to begin a relationship in a positive or negative manner.
Thank you all for your considerations, and Helena Bulinska-Stangrecka in particular for useful references. I notice, however, that most social-psychological research grounded in experiments leans towards analysing short-term effects. I am wondering in particular what could be the LONG-TERM consequences of physical distancing on trust. Any clue about how to study this phenomenon? Thank you very much.
The culture of hand-shaking has probaly gone forever https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/07/21/shaking-hands-probably-forever-top-scientist-tells-peers/amp/
Amani Harith added an answer to this discussion thread on October 29, 2020, as follows:
اعتمد على لغة الجسد واعني مايصدر من حركات للوجه والعين والفم واليد وحتى الصوت ولكن بودي اسالك هل المصافحة تمنح الثقة في رايك او
Translation in English: "i rely on body language and I mean the movements of the face, eye, mouth, hand and even voice but I would like to ask you whether a handshake gives confidence in your opinion or not."
Source: Internet Artificially Intelligent Translator