A three dimensional rotation operation is identical to a displacement operation in a three dimensional space of orientations. The rotation operation is defined by the displacement vector and a rotation axes. If we define that the rotation axes is perpendicular to the starting orientation and to the displacement vector, the definition of the rotation operation is complete.

But according to that definition, the space of orientations with this displacement operator has a strange algebra with a mixture of local and global properties.

Any nonzero displacement operation with the displacement vector V is different from a sequence of n displacement operations with the displacement vector V/n. Cause of the difference is the (local) property of the axes to be perpendicular to the displacement vector and to the current orientation. The (differential) relation between an infinitesimal displacement operation and a finite displacement operation in that space is therefore fundamentally (non-linearly) different from the (linear) relation in a Euclidian space. This raises the following questions:

What kind of algebra describes the properties of that space of orientations with a displacement operation defined by those rotations? (It seems that it is not a Lie Algebra! Do we even need a new kind of algebra due to nonlinear relations? Is this even beyond known mathematics?) Has anyone already studied the properties of such a space?


Potentially this algebra provides a static, homogenous, and isotropic model for the geometry of our universe. Geodesic lines generated with those displacement operations diverge and therefore allow explaining the red shift.

Some simple maths:

Given is:

Point p in Cartesian coordinates:  p=(x,y,z); Radius R of the universe;

Orientation O in Euler angles: O=(x/R,y/R,z/R);

Displacement d in cartesian coordinates:  d=(dx,dy,dz);  

Rotation Q in Euler angles:  Q=(dx/R,dy/R,dz/R);

Result p’ of the displacement in cartesian coordinates: p’=p+d ;

Orientation O’ after the displacement: O’=((x+dx)/R,(y+dy)/R,(z+dz)/R);

Calculation of the unit quaternion q representing the rotation Q:

Pure unit quaternion e perpendicular to O and O’; e=O x O’ / | O x O’| in (i,j,k) components

Unit Quaternion q given as : q=0.5|Q| +e*sqrt(1-0.25Q²)

Transpose quaternion qt: qt=transpose(q)

Quaternion o representing the Orientation O: o= Euler_angles_to_unit_Quaternion (O);

Quaternion o’, the result of the rotation: o’=qoqt

Shifted/rotated Orientation in Euler angles O’=Unit_Quaternion_to_Euler_angles (o’)

To be verified: p’ = R*O’

To be calculated: What happens to neighbour points of p after an Operation equivalent to the q-rotation?

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