5 Questions 548 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Juan Weisz
Take the Fermionic creation and destruction operators ad (k) and a(k) where ad means a dagger. One has a set of relationships including ad(k) ad(k) =0 , a(k)a(k)=0 a(k) a(l) + a(l) a(k)...
11 November 2018 6,338 5 View
In addition to the Complex field, also ring x+ty, tt=-1 There are hyperbolic ring x+ty, tt=1 or dual ring x+ty, tt=0 t becomes abstractly a new strange number similar to i. In general...
11 November 2018 5,432 0 View
For example we may describe vectors by stating they are as forces with magnitude and direction or by properties that they add and there is a scalar product. However in the second case matrices...
08 August 2017 3,875 8 View
Let us give the power series f(x) = c0 + c1 x + c2 xx + c3 xxx +.... From this define a modified series with capital F F(x) = c0 + c1 x +c2 x(x+h) + c3 x(x+h)(x+2h) +... This is really a...
07 July 2017 8,940 6 View
Suppose we have a parametrized hamiltonian in QM. H(b) Now take two different values of the parameter b1 and b2, so we have H(b1) and H(b2). The problem is now that H(b1) and H(b2) are found not...
10 October 2015 9,590 13 View