Dear Friends, as per my TOU ( Theory of Universality ) :

1. The Earth going round the Sun has a speed ( in an absolute sense ) higher than the speed of the Sun ,,whatever the speed of the Sun maybe. ( That is the Earth has its own speed plus the speed of the Solar System along with the speed of the Sun).

2. The starting mass of all celestial bodies from the CUBH - Central Universal Black Hole, is same.

3. A celestial body ( like the Earth ) going at a speed higher than the speed of the Sun has a mass less than the mass of the Sun. This is possible only if both are going at a speed higher than the speed of light as per Lorentz equation.

( Note: The Kepler's laws are re-derived using the above assumptions ). Proof given in pages : 10 to 13 of TOU.

So, we get the results :

1. The absolute speed of Sun ( as observed by an observer from outside the Cosmos ) : 2.0993 x 10^-7 +/- c m/s. = v

2. The absolute speed of a planet would be : v + vi, where vi is the speed of the planet around the Sun.

3. An object at a speed higher than the speed of light is anti-matter.

4. Since both the Sun and the planets are anti-matter, they attract each other gravitationally.

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