Room temperature stored platelets show fluctuating P Selectin expression (when same sample is used). If they follows the sequential events (activation-aggregation-apoptosis) why will there be fluctuation?
Yes, and it named as Platelet Storage Lesion. Platelet activation starts from the first beginning of isolation. it may be reversible changes in response to the soluble agonists such as ADP and TXA2. Further activation of platelets may lead to alpha granule release that make them pro-inflammatory . in this step platelets express pro- inflammatory molecules such as P-selectin and CD40L. From this step platelets engage in an irreversible activation.If the inside-out signaling stimuli keep continue ,platelet may be activated further with a sustain increase in inter-cellular calcium leading to pro-coagulant activity that is manifested best by SCIP formation in which platelets get Annexin V positive.
Thank you for your information...If so then during storage platelet activates and it goes on increasing as storage period but some point am observing activation is getting decreased..why? For example on 3rd day of storage platelet activation is 2.4 (MFI)or 23% on 5th day it increased to 3.5(MFI) or 43%. But on day 7 it becomes 2.1 (MFI) or 19% it decreases hows this possible?
Platelet activation and progressive apoptosis takes place during apheresis and storage - above all after pathogen reduction. Platelet storage in additive solution instead of plasma induces also higher platelet activation and cytokine release.
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You are right I am talking about flow cytometric analysis of platelet activation. As described earlier how can platelet activation decrease during the storage. I Assume that, as storage period increase activation their any mechanism which can reverse the process during the process?