The laboratories must have SOPs in place and follow all the norms. To prevent environmental pollution is the responsibility of each and every citizen of this world. I believe that the laboratories conducting scientific research would be following all measures related to environmental pollution.
Any Lab once its function should contribute positively without harming the environment in any way. In India the "enivronment pollution control board" (EPCB) has set standards for the discharged water from labs should have viability of Ecoli cells 90%, even atmospheric pollution of incernators is monitered. the waste generated has to be processed in a particular way after inactivating the toxicity and dispossed of in a way so that no effects are seen in the environment and environment is as it was or in a better state than when the lab came into being.
these rules of EPCB if violated will lead to hefty fines and or loss of license. Infact in cities the drainage water is collected processed and this water is being used for lawns as a step in processing and saving water.
Stream lining the whole takes time as some industries eg automobile maintenance while washing have a issue in processing this water. Presently we see masks discarded all over.
but Physics chemistry biology labs as its a orderly structure with a hierarchy with EPCB is a streamlined one. And its good that all take this responsibility seriously or we and/or future generations will suffer.
General tendency is as long as we are managing and its not causing major issue people just move on. Rarely people worry on future implications and how to address the long term issues.
A good example is a patient with high radiation exposure came to hospital, the doctor recognized that its not regular event. and there was no way this person could have been exposed to radiation. this individual was a scrap dealer and he had purchased waste equipment from the local university as scrap, which had waste radioactive material and a scintillation counter, and university had purchased a newer equipment.