Dear all,

I am applying ANN method in studying biodiesel production. This was performed by using the neural network toolbox of MATLAB R2015a. I select Feed-forward neural network (FFNN) with back-propagation training (BP), BP algorithm is based on the LM training function. The TANSIG transfer function was selected for the input and output layers. After finished training and repeat some runs in the same condition, I realized that the results about MSE, R^2 were not same. Why? I think that the reason for this difference is in the total of experimental data points, and then it was randomly divided into three subsets such as training set (70% of total), testing set (15% of total), and validation set (15% of total). This random division can lead to the different values about MSE and R^2 when we repeat.  

So how do you think about this and how to optimize this training in ANN?

I was also known that optimum training of the ANN can be obtained through particle swarm optimization (PSO). And how I can apply this algorithm? 

Thanks so much for your interests. 

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