According to Arrhenius equation, k = A*exp(-Ea/RT), I would like to know the value of A (Arrhenius constant) and Ea (activation energy). Because I use Aspen Plus software to simulate the production process in chemical engineering. For example, I need to have A and Ea of the following reactions: 1) Ethylen react Chlorua to form Dichlo ethane (C2H4Cl2).

2) Oxidation methanol to folmandehyt HCHO.

3) Steam cracking Ethane to Ethylen and Hydrogen.

4) Methy tert buthyl ether MTBE from iso_buthane.

In the above 4 reactions, to calculate reaction rate constant (k) according the different temperature (T), we need to know the value of A and Ea. So From which I can search these constant?

Best regards,

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