Hello everybody, Currently I am in charge of the extraction of the extracellular matrix from the brain peremchyma of mice in order to allow the primary culture of tumor cells. This area of research is new for me. I have already obtained decellularized samples (whitish appearance, greatly reduced quantity of proteins and nucleic acids, etc.). Now, I'm trying to make a gel but I didn't succeed. I freeze-dried the samples and tried to digest them with a pepsin solution (10 mg of sample for 1ml of pepsin at 1mg/ml in Hcl) as indicated in scientific publication.

I don't know if this is normal but if we let the solution obtained sit for a few minutes, we can see 2 phases : a transparent phase and another more whitish but which is not hard and which resuspends very well when we shake lightly the tube. After balancing the osmotic force (with DMEM 10X) neutralizing pH (with NaOH), I tried to gelificate samples at 37°C (without prior dilution) but this did not work, the solution remained liquid. I don't know where the problem comes from. Did somebody have encountered this kind of problem? Do you have any advice to give me? Thank you in advance for your help. Valérie

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