I am going to check the PGE2 secretion by using Prostaglandin E2 Express EIA KIT, cayman chemical. I am using it for the first time, so little hesitated. I have four samples, as below:

(1) Control (2) PGE2 treated only (3) Test Drug treated (4) PGE2 pre-treated, followed by drug treated.

 They have provided booklet with the KIT, given in the link below:


I am working with Adherent cells, and i have to take Cells supernatant as my sample.

They have mentioned five types of wells.

(1) Blank (2) TA (3) NSB (4) B0 (5) Std/sample

So does it mean that from each of my samples [(1) Control (2) PGE2 treated only (3) Test Drug treated (4) PGE2 pre-treated, followed by drug treated.], i have to fill these five wells, along with the prescribed reagents of the KIT?

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