13 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Salman Ul Islam
Hello All! I am trying to generate HCT 116 stable cell line. I studied many protocols and proceeded as follow: 1) I cultured cells in 6 wells plates at density of 5 x 10^5. 2) At 70% confluency,...
16 November 2016 4,718 3 View
I am going to do stable transfection of Prp4. For this I need plasmid which encodes Prp4 gene and is antibiotic resistant. While searching my Lab, I found PRPF4B (NM_003913) Human cDNA Clone...
29 May 2015 1,635 1 View
I am going to check the PGE2 secretion by using Prostaglandin E2 Express EIA KIT, cayman chemical. I am using it for the first time, so little hesitated. I have four samples, as below: (1) Control...
24 February 2015 1,011 2 View
I am preparing cell samples for analyzing Sub G1 phase of cell cycle by flow cytometry, using propidium iodide as fluorescent dye. I am working with adherent cells. So first of all, I trypsinize...
12 February 2015 7,694 12 View
Everybody knows that antibodies are so costly, ranging from 150-300 USD/antibody.These are available in 100-500 ul quantity. I want to test a cell signaling pathway, for which i need 5-10...
06 February 2015 3,482 6 View
I want to over-express integrin alpha v Beta 3 in cancer cells line. Does anyone have a suitable protocol for this?
12 January 2015 4,153 3 View
I am checking the apoptosis-inducing effect of a drug on a colon cancer cell line. I have to check the apoptotic pathway proteins by western blot. Please suggest which main proteins I should check...
06 November 2014 1,489 13 View
I want to check the production of ROS by using DCF-DA as indicator in Colon cancer cells. What is the optimum time after which a drug starts the generation of ROS? 30 min, 1 hr, 6 hr 12 hrs, 24...
22 September 2014 7,545 10 View
Through MTT assay, i observed that a drug is causing cell death. Now to confirm the cell death pathway, i am expanding my study. I want to check the ROS generation using DCFDA as indicator. In MTT...
16 September 2014 863 4 View
Usually cancer cells have some unique features which are not present in normal cells, for example mutated p53 etc. So i want to know about such unique receptor in HCT-15 cells to which normal...
05 September 2014 8,003 4 View
I am conducting MTT assay of HCT-15 cells using a drug; concentration is 10uM. I am getting 75-80% cell viability. Actually i want to induce apoptosis in these by using this drug, but my professor...
01 September 2014 5,940 16 View
I have cultured HCT-15 (Adherent), colon cancer cells in 35mm cell culture dish, having 5ml of RPMI-1640 media. I have to treat these with 10uM of a drug. The stock concentration of drug (C1) is...
13 August 2014 7,778 33 View
I want to analyze cell cycle (apoptosis specifically) using FACS with propidium iodide staining. After collecting cell sample (control as well as treated), i fix it with 70% ethanol overnight....
05 August 2014 5,914 13 View