Ion uptake by plant generally happen in the ecology of soil environment through mass flow, diffusion, root interception.Generally , nitrogen and potassium uptake takes place by mass flow and phosphorus ,micronutrients like essential plant nutrients update by diffusion and root interception.
such phenomenon can be explained on the basis of Donnan distribution.
Plants like cereals with low cation exchange capacity favour absorption of monovalent cations like K + to divalent cations such as Ca2"- and Mg2+, whereas dicot plants (specially legumes) which have high root CEC takeup more divalent ions like Ca2+
Cation exchange also occurs at the root surface on negative sites residing in the cell wall and plasmalemma. Inflow of cations through the root apoplasm by diffusion or massflow is influenced by exchange properties of carbohyxylic groups of cell wall structural components such as polygalacturonic acid. These exchange sites harbor a reserve pool of cations for membrane transport.
Root CEC differ among species, and dicotyledonous plants are generally higher in exchange capacity than monocotyledon plans. As in soil selective binding of multivalent cation over monovalent cation occur at the cell wall surface, increasing the concentration of divalent and trivalent cation in apoplasm of species with high CEC. The IMP of this exchange phenomenon is inferred from correlation between root cec and cation uptake selectively difference among plant species.
General concept of uptake of plant nutrients have been observed by mass flow,diff,root interception .However uptake of plant nutrients varied from plant specis to species.
Root ion exchange phenomenon may be considered through the root hair environment of plant . Ion exchange phenomenon may be root cation and anion exchange phenomenon.