Dear RG Members

my question is regarding the natural convection heat transfer inside enclosure filled with nanofluid. the enclosure shape is square. the two vertical walls are kept at an isothermal different temperatures while the two horizontal walls are considered adiabatic. The results present in term of streamlines and isotherms contours which they can be evaluated from CFD Commercial code ANSYS FLUENT. also, the heat transfer rate (Nusselt Number value) is very important in the discussion of the results for the natural convection heat transfer. i would like to ask how to :

1. plot local Nusselt number along the heated wall?

2. determine the average Nusselt number?

By the way how can i added the nanofluid thermophysical properties? i have an idea like i added them by replace the propoerties of air by nanofluid properties and solved separately and then compare between the Nusselt number with and without nanofluid addition to explain how nanofluid enhances the heat transfer rate?


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