At this moment of planetary urgency, it is imperative to denounce an inconvenient truth that has been overlooked for centuries: human economic activities, in their current form, are sustained, hiddenly and parasitically, by the kinetic potential energy derived directly from biological systems. This energy, the life force intrinsic to all living beings, is governed and perpetuated by billions of DNAs operating in interconnected complexity and autonomy, far from the understanding and respect they deserve.

The Fundamental Error: The Economy as a Parasite of Life

From the dawn of the pre-agricultural era, our ancestors lived in intrinsic harmony with nature, understanding themselves not as masters but as integral parts of a cycle of interconnected life. However, the transition to agricultural practices and subsequently to an economic model based on accumulation and exploitation initiated a catastrophic detour: we began to view the Earth and its beings as inexhaustible resources, ignoring the sacredness and autonomy of natural systems sustaining life.

The hidden dependency of our economic activities on the intricate system of DNAs reveals a shocking reality — we are not only exploiting physical resources but draining the very life energy that enables the existence of biodiversity, including ourselves. This practice is not only unsustainable but represents an affront to the natural balance of the universe.

The Disconnection Between Science and Common Sense

The severity of this situation is exacerbated by the disconnection between academic-scientific knowledge and common sense. The prevailing educational model fails to convey the understanding of the interdependence between life and economy, perpetuating a fragmented view that separates humanity from nature, science from ethics. This knowledge gap perpetuates the myth that we can continue to operate within this flawed system without catastrophic consequences.

The Call to Action: A Profound Transformation

Therefore, this denunciation is not just a cry against injustice but an urgent call to action to rethink and restructure our relationships with the natural world and each other. We must:

  • Recognize our Interdependence: Accept that economic health cannot be decoupled from ecological health.
  • Redefine Resources: View life not as a resource to be exploited but as a complex system of relationships we need to nurture and respect.
  • Respect the Autonomy of Life: Understand that DNAs, with their self-reprogrammable capability, are not tools at our disposal but the guardians of biodiversity and sustainability.
  • Abolish Economic Models: It is necessary to abolish current economic models that disregard the intrinsic interdependence between humans and nature. Humans do not own the self-generated energy of DNA. We must acknowledge and respect this fundamental truth to build a new economic reality that honors life in all its forms and manifestations.
  • The disconnection between our economic activities and biological reality is a crisis of perception, education, and morality. It's time to confront this abyss, recognize our mistakes, and work towards a truly sustainable coexistence. The future of life on Earth depends on our ability to understand and respect the intricate dance of energy and life orchestrated by DNA in every living being. Failing to recognize and act upon this truth is not just an ethical omission; it's a denial of the very essence of life.

    Work Is the Anomaly of Human Life on Earth

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