
I have a question about HLM. With TIMSS 2019 data, I built a model with students at Level 1 and schools at Level 2. I conducted the analysis with HLM 6.04 program. I used the sample weights variables at both levels (StudentWeights = WGTADJ2 * WGTFAC2 * WGTADJ3 * WGTFAC3 and SchoolWeights = WGTADJ1 * WGTFAC1).

As you know, two important tables are obtained as a result of this analysis [final estimation of fixed effects (with standard errors) and final estimation of variance components]. While the degree of freedom is 179 as a result of the ANOVA model for a country, degree of freedom is 193 in the table giving the variance components (Total number of schools is 194 and there are no predictive variables. There are only IDSCHOOL and IDSTUD).

Do you think this is normal? Because the degrees of freedom in the two separate tables in the data sets of other countries were exactly the same. I looked at the dataset again, there is no missing value in the variables I analyzed, and there is no missing value in the weighting variables.

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