in fact, I have used formalin & KMnO4 for disinfecting a tissue culture lab & growth room, but the smell have not removed after 4 days, how can I get ride of it? any practical method to recomand?
Where I stay, I have cheap wild lime available in plenty. Lime juice can be another choice in place of white vinegar . But only when it suits your conditions. Dilute the juice with 2 times the water for spraying. I put a bowl full of it 1 feet from the ducts of air inlet for my growth room and we got somewhat relieved from the smell. For large spaces i agree with what prosanta suggested
I'm totally agree with you about source of contamination, but when a commercial lab face infection, it becomes a different story than research lab scale works. Despite my unwillingness for using toxic chemical, only this way, I could make sure about disinfection.