Dear all,

I am facing a problem with plasmid isolation from thermophilic bacteria. For one strain I was getting one single band of 1000 bp using Thermo Scientific GeneJET Plasmid Miniprep Kit and same result using a modified manual alkaline lysis method (I get the same result for more than 20 times, the same size of band). I was thinking that it’s a plasmid even getting one band not 3 or 4 bands. But after double digestion using Hind3 & BamH1 and clonig into puc18, the sequencing result reveal that its a fragment from genomic DNA !! and the strange that i didnt found the vector sequence using VecScreen ? I am so confused about result, its just my mistake during ligation or digestion or its not a plasmid !!!

Do you have any ideas, please?

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