I am in a need of Diabetic Foot Ulcer imaging dataset. Kindly suggest how and where I can get this dataset. I found one source on dfu.grandchallenge webpage and mailed them to access the same but I didn't get any reply from them.
Thanks a lot @Prof. James Monroe Laborde for your kind reply. I exactly need the same what you have. I am working on the Artificial Intelligence based diagnosis of the patients having Diabetic foot ulcers. For this research work, I need some of the diabetic foot ulcers patients images/scans. I an keen to do a collaborative work thus If you wish then we can do collaborative work on this subject.
I am writing this in regards of the trail message. I need some of the diabetic foot ulcer images for my research work. Can you provide me the same. I promise that I will use those image only for my research work and the patients information will not be disclosed in any manner. I would also like to work in collaboration with you.