Low temperature in temperate countries favours the rapid multiplication of SARS-CoV-2, while high temperature in tropical countries slows the multiplication of the virus. This is the main reason for temperate countries being more vulnerable to COVID-19 compared to tropical countries.
1. It is true for any air-borne pathogen that its multiplication is favored by low environmental temperature.
2. The above hypothesis is supported by the map provided by you.
3. As we know the COVID-19 is spreading directly from person to person but the fomites are playing major role in its transmission.
4. If environmental temperature is low as in case of temperate regions favors its survival at fomites and thereby increses the chances of infection to new host comes in contact with these fomites.
5. The high temperature in tropical countries limit the survival of pathogen (SARS CoV-2) and thereby decrease the chances of further infection.