The paper that examines the impactc of employee loyalty satisfaction factors which are e.g. empowerment and participation, working conditions, reward and recognition e.g.
I am particularly interested in articles after 2012.
Тимофеев Д.А., Цвигайло М.А., Раздевилова О.П., Власова М.В. Детерминанты и потенциальные следствия отношения к работе (службе) персонала военно-медицинских организаций Журнал научных статей «Здоровье и образование в XXI веке». 2016. Т.18. № 2. С. 464-469.
ТимофеевД.А., Лобова Я.И., Палатова О.В. Глубинная мотивация работы врачей, её влияние на удовлетворенность трудом и укомплектованность стационаров и амбулаторно- поликлинического звена городского здравоохранения Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) Ежемесячный научный журнал № 2 (11) / 2015 ЧАСТЬ 4, С. 150-153
Although employee engagement is not the same as what you asked for (employee satisfaction), I think it could also be related to employee loyalty and could provide a broader vision to with your paper.
In case you are interested in it, I would recommend the following to get a great introduction to the topic:
Saks, A.M. and Gruman, J.A., 2014. What do we really know about employee engagement?. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 25(2), pp.155-182.
Engaging Staff in the Workplace (2010), available at, notes the contribution that staff engagement surveys can make to employee satisfaction.