... and some partial answers - for aggression of children and their parents:
Klaus Wahl, Cornelia Metzner: Parental Influences on the Prevalence and Development of Child Aggressiveness. Journal of Child and Family Studies 21, 2012, 2, S. 344-355
- for juvenile xenophobic-violent offenders and their parents (retrospective and unfortunately only in German):
Klaus Wahl (Ed.): Skinheads, Neonazis, Mitläufer. Täterstudien und Prävention.
Gracias por las respuestas! También creo que hay un excelente espacio para estudio sobre el tema. Piensas en desarollar algo en ese sentido? Si piensas, estaré con grande motivación para contribuir!
Children begin to blame themselves -feelings of worthlessness -aggressive - and lack of direction - but I do believe that the system can act as a portal for change. The amount of monies that are spent on incarceration could be better spent to channel support and foster direction. Get some of these contractors making a fortune in the system to give back.