Traditionally method of determining of extracting capacitance of active deices is to use s parameters , then convert to y parameters and change bias points . This will give a CV curve . Of course capacitances of RF devices will be very small , for example Cds .
In the case of a HBT , current mirrors are typically used . If the capacitance of the HBT current mirror reference device can be actively measured for capacitance , it may be possible to create a active linearizer based on the capacitance swing of the reference device in the current mirror which follows the AC load line of the larger RF transistor in a transistor power amplifier .
The capacitance swing of the large RF power transistor creates the AM to PM distortion from capacitance swing , but this capacitance swing is limited by the AC load line . Potentially minimizing distortion into higher VSWR operation .
The problem of using current mirrors is bandwidth considerations in relation to the baseband modulation on the RF signal . To overcome this alternative techniques of RF pre-distortion may need Look up tables .
Please answer what are minimum capacitance levels you are measuring ?
Bet regards
Tim Aust