On an experiential basis we appear to be generating an implicit form of spatial awareness that's realised prior-to any conceptual assessment processes (occlusion, central perspective cues etc). We appreciate this in the 'present' as peripheral vision. Spatial awareness in peripheral vision 'occurs' to us via a field structure that we appear to generate as opposed to 'project' to then assess. (This is addressed holistically so has connotations with Gestalt psychology.) This in turn suggests that spatial awareness is derived directly from a data-potential streamed through one of the visual pathways (dorsal). This in turn suggests that this data-potential is present in the light array and that environmentally conditioned light can implicitly impart spatial relationships from the scene (real setting). To my mind this could only be possible if dark-matter acted as a medium upon photon trajectory setting up vibrations (noise) that could be sampled via receptive fields to extract a texture provisioning a vague but highly significant form of spatial awareness expressed as proximity cues. (not depth!) Could such vibrations scale up to account for the observed gravitational lensing attributed to dark-matter? We have modeled the field structure in a visual media application and so can demonstrate implicit spatial awareness but not how that could possibly occur?