The two patterns are different. I have tried to search in my database the card of barium acetate but it seems to me very different from your patterns. A barium acetate hydrate form seems to explain better the diffraction peaks but a sure attribution is difficult. With the raw data it could be more simple
I suspect both are the same material but different purity, perhaps 99.9% , the other 99.999% . I'm not sure on this. Hopefully someone could help explaining this.
I attach .raw files in zip, I actually have a problem to attach these two files because it turns to be .ps each time I was trying to upload. The files are kept in my google drive.
Hopefully this may help you to comment the difference between the two samples.
I have now managed to convert these to a .raw file that I can read!
Your sample 2 is barium acetate, sample 1 is not. However, it might have a very small amount plus some possible barium tartrate hydrate, but the majority of the pattern remains unidentified. From the low angle background it looks like there are likely to be peaks below 10 degrees 2-theta. If you want to identify this material it might help to recollect from a lower angle, say 2 degrees. If all you need to know is that is not Ba acetate then it is enough.
For the sample 2, it is a bit noisy and the relative peak intensities are not that good. Try and re prepare paying close attention to avoiding preferred orientation - use side loading. And count for longer in order in improve the signal/noise.
Thank you very much for your explanation. I was expected different answer because the supplier for sample XRD 2 said, it is monohydrate of barium acetate with high purity 99.999% . While XRD 1 is just 99.9% purity.
Can XRD results be used to identify purity too?
Is there other method to confirm sample XRD 2 is non barium acetate?
Sample 2 is not barium acetate hydrate. Please see my illustration below of your sample 2 with the database patterns of both barium acetate and barium acetate hydrate. There are some matches with barium acetate and none with barium acetate hydrate. As I said before you must improve your data to be sure. Also it is important that you re-run the sample but starting at a lower angle since the 100% peak of barium acetate is missing because you started at 10 degrees 2-theta - again see my illustration.
XRD cannot tell the difference between 99.9% and 99.999%. But you have bigger problems because your sample 1 is not yet identified. try and get some elemental data to feed into this analysis. And again re-run you sample 1 with longer counting time and a lower starting 2-th angle.
Is there any different between low no of counts and high no of counts in the XRD plot : counts vs 2-theta ? I noticed there is a big different between xrd1 and xrd2.
The peak of 100% is at what angle for barium acetate?
I wouldn't say you have a big difference; there is some difference, yes. The number of counts will be affected by the particular phase and its ability to diffract, some materials give very intense peaks others don't. It can also be a function of the crystallinity, so you can have the same material well crystalline with high counts, but if it is poorly crystalline, the counts will generally be lower.
If you look at the Sample 2.bmp file I posted earlier you can see the position of the 100% peak of barium acetate.