I don't have access to JCPDS cards, but I found the CIF files of these compounds.CIF and JCPDS provide the same structure, the difference is that JCPDS provides the reflection list of the planes, while CIF file provides the atomic positions. But with CIF files, you can use a software like VESTA to calculate the reflection list, so the CIF file can provide the same information the cards do. I am willing to help you with this, or with anything you need, feel free to reply.
Hi Ricardo Tadeu Maia ! First of all, thanks a lot for your help! I do not know or have the VESTA software. I will check how easy it is for me to install it.
I am currently tryng to get the JCPDS cards from a colleague, but if that is not succesful, I will probably try your "method".
As I said before, I am very grateful for your response! Have a great weekend.
You are welcome. I already made the reflection tables for these structures, check files attached, and see if this is what you need.
I just wanted to ask why you were looking for the JCPDS cards, because I see many people looking for them, but apparently the CIF file provides the same information. You just have to open in a software, not only VESTA, many can do this, and ask to export the table. I think people don't know this, but I wanted to make sure if there's something else that only the cards can provide.
One more thing, I forgot to mention. Apparently BaO can crystallize in cubic and tetragonal systems, according to structures deposited in COD database. So if your pattern don't match with this one I provided, don't freak out, we would need to check the tetragonal phase.